Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Analysing the Genre of film openings

I watched various film openings and analysed the genre of them. This was to find out just how much you can tell about a film from just viewing the opening credits. Watching these openings from all types of genres will help my when creating my film opening.

Pineapple Express

The genre of this film is quite clearly comedy, this is shown the the use of obvious humour and the extreme use of juxtapostion between the two characters shown, there is a character who is to be taken in serious note, he is shown to be a high rank in the army and has a sterotype of a serious man compared to the other charcter who is shown to be silly, he is messing around and taking a very laid back approcach the huge obvious differene between the two creates an obvious humour which signifies that the genre is comedy. The use of random elements also signifies the comdey genre for example the scubadiving, full body suit.

Social Network

Genre: documentry/biography, character adds slight humour. intelegence is shown through diegetic dialogue. Complex. the way the charcacter is dressed signifies the 'nerdy' sort of film it shows the main character as a 'geek' and that the film will be based around computer technology this is also shown through the use of diegetic sound through dialogue.

The Godfather

Genre: The genre is a ganster crime, you can tell thisfrom the non diegetic sound it is slow and classical with a mix of high and low pitch this creates the atmosphere being eerie and mysterious. the clothes they wear are stereotypical gangsters/mafia with the suits jewelry and cigars. The non diegetic subject they are discussing also suggests they are gangsters.

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