When thinking about the audience for my media product we needed to consider the age and gender of our target audience, as we have decided on our film being certified as a '15' it is obvious that our film will not be aimed at anyone under the age of 15 due to the use of blood, violence and threat (which are stereotypical conventions of a horror genre)
By having the protagonist in our media product as a teenage girl this will automatically create verisimilartude also through the use of the photos at the beggining we tried to follow stereotypical guidelines of a teenage girl to create verisimilartude to our audiences lives, we hope this attracts teenage girls to our film and through use of this technique create the hyperdermic needle theory and create a scary film for teenage girls to watch.
However this film is also aimed at the older generations the age of our target audience could be any age we did not base our audience profile on age more on whether the audience enjoy the horror genre so we followed generic guidelines and conventions of a stereotpyical 'slasher' horror movie as we have done this our basic target audience will be anyone who enjoyed such films as scream 3 (2000) as we follow these stereotypical conventions eg the stalker and victim.
Through research using various websites I found that the horror genre is more popular within the male gender, this can relate to our film through the use of the male gaze theory when looking through the photos of the young girls in the opening of our film.
Overall through the use of stereotypical guideline horror genre conventions with the blood and murder and the use of the male gaze theory leads me to conclude that this particular media product will be more specifically aimed at the male gender.
Our film relates to other popular horror genre movies for example scream (1996) this film was aimed towards the same target audience as ours through the use of teenagers as the protagonists and stereotypical horror genre conventions for example the use of blood and a stalker/murderer adding a scary atmosphere to the teenage population through the use of verisimilartude in the film for example witht he house partys shown in the film or in the opening when the girl is home alone.
Now it is clearer to see the type of audience I expect to take interest into my media product the product will be aimed at more towards the male genreration but most certainly towards the teenage population. The type of audience this film would be aimed at would be a teenage boy from social demographic groups C and D this is because after research from various websites it was found that horror genre films are aimed towards lower social demographic groups as they are seen as 'less sophisticated' or 'immature' for a higher demographic group to watch research shew me that the more preffered genre of higher demogrpahic groups was 'Drama'. The teenage population will relate to this media product as it involves teenagers and will create verisimilartude and the hyperdermic needle theory towards their own lives.
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