Monday 11 April 2011

Question 1 - In What ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Our media piece incorportates generic conventions of the horror genre throughout the film and even shown in just the opening with the immediate sense of threat with the news report changing to breaking news this shows that what is being said is a massive threat to the community. Also a stereotypical convention of horror is the use of blood there is a clear use of blood in the opening of our film with flashing pictures of young girls that have quite clearly been abused and the use of blood threat and murder when our obvious antagonist rubs blood on the picture of the young girl. The setting of our film also contributes to following generic conventions as the setting is constantly dark throughout the opening creating a sense of fear and worry. Our film relates well with the popular film scream (1996) as we followed these generic conventions with the use of blood threat and a murderer/stalker this shows that we followed the stereotypical generic conventions of a horror genre and attract that certain target audience ones that enjoy the simple stereotypical horror genre guidelines.
The use of these conventions clearly showthat our main and only genre is horror however there are various uses of other generic conventions in the film that could link towards the thriller genre like the use of murder mystery how the killer is unknown however the use of this is not enough to create a sub genre.

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